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ICPESS 2017 Proceedings Volume 1: Political Studies - Bildiriler Kitabı Cilt 1: Politik Araştırmalar

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ICPESS 2017, 19-22 May, 2017, Sarajevo / Bosnia Herzegovina

2nd International Congress on Political, Economic and Social Studies (ICPESS)

2. Uluslararası Politik, Ekonomik ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Kongresi


Prof. Fatih SAVAŞAN

Assoc. Prof. Fatih YARDIMCIOĞLU

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Emin ALTUNDEMİR

Assist. Prof. Furkan BEŞEL

ISBN: 978-605-82738-7-0

Publication Date: 15 September 2017


We are pleased to hold the second International Congress on Political, Economic and Social Studies (ICPESS 2017) in Sarajevo, Bosnia Herzegovina, the beautiful city of cross cultures. The aim of this congress is to bring the researchers of different disciplines together and disseminate the knowledge in a multidisciplinary setting. Hundreds of the papers will be presented and their authors and the participants will exchange ideas and search for possible collaborations.

We would like to thank all the members of ICPESS organizing committee and scientific committee for their hard work. Special thanks goes to the International University of Sarajevo for their hospitality and support.

Please do follow us on our official websites and for upcoming ICPESS events.

Yours sincerely,

ICPESS 2017 Organizing Committee

15 September 2017


Karşılaştırmalı Kamu Yönetimi: Türkiye ve İran Örneği 1

Sadegül DURGUN, Ahmet Hamdi AYDIN 1

Political Economy Analysis of the Balkans: Struggles for Hegemony 26

Arzu AL, Batuhan BALCI 26

Avrupa Birliği’nin Filistin-İsrail Sorununa Yönelik Politikası 43

Filiz CİCİOĞLU, Gamze BAL 43

İş Kazalarını Önlemede Güvenlik Kültürü 58

Mehmed Zahid ÇÖGENLİ, Meltem ÖZER 58

Refugee Policies of Turkey during World War II 71

Ali SATAN, Meral BALCI 71

6502 Sayılı Tüketicinin Korunması Hakkında Kanun’un Uygulama Alanının Eleştirisi 80

Murat ORUÇ 80

Geçmişten Günümüze Türk Hukukunda Kadının Hukuki Statüsü 95


Türk Anayasa Hukukunda Yasama Bağışıklıkları 104

Oğuzcan KUTKAN 104

EU’s Mediterranean Policy after the Arab Spring 112

Süleyman AKSOY 112

Quality in Public Service and Necessıties for Qualified Public Service 133

Mehmet GOKUS , Zehra ÇUBUKÇU 133

Kuvvetler Ayrılığı / Birliği Açısından Türkiye’de Partili Cumhurbaşkanlığı Sistemi 147

Ahmet Hamdi AYDIN, Sadegül DURGUN 147

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